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Nội dung chi tiết
V.W Load Cell
V.W. Load Cell is designed to measure load working on earth anchor.
Operating principle
V.W. Load Cell is slightly strained once load is given to a cylinder cell. At this time, a magnetic coil perceives changes in the frequency of vibrating steel wire, which is transmitted to a frequency meter and then, indicated in a particular unit. It is calculated in load by the given gage factor, and used.
V.W. Load Cell is composed of a cylinder cell, vibrating steel wire, a magnetic coil, a temperature sensor, and a plate. The vibrating steel wire is mounted in the cylinder cell, divided into three equal parts.
Máy đo cảm biến lực GK-404 (VW) được thiết kế để sử dụng cho quan trắc và đọc các số đọc cảm biến lực như (nhiệt độ, áp lực nước, áp lực lỗ rỗng, ứng suất bê tông, ứng suất cốt thép, cảm biến lực căng cừ neo, ...)